Global Cannabis e-Bourse

Global Cannabis e-Bourse

 Global Cannabis e-Bourse has been developed for ETD transactions covering cannabis plants (strains: Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis) cultivated and harvested for wholesale trade in bulk or component forms (the latter being leaves/flowers, seeds, and stalks/roots) that can be refined or otherwise processed into dozens of diverse by-products fit for multiple sales channels as illustrated in the flowchart provided below.  It all takes place in market hubs emerging for each major geographic region within a transformative global industry experiencing tremendous CAGR.  The following Benchmark Complex Solutions-based ETD contracts – be they physically-settled spots and forwards or financially-settled futures and options -- are formulated for each geographic region’s FOB-based physical delivery points, the contracts reflecting:

  • Each particular plant strain harvested for wholesale trade in bulk form

  • Each harvested plant strain alternatively segregated into its primary wholesale trade components: e.g., leaves/flowers; seeds; and stalks/roots

  • Values of the forgoing are increased or decreased by requisite (algorithm determined) quantities of long or short Complementary Differential Index contracts that factor the relative impact of each strain’s varying qualitative attributes, such as (i) certifiable organic or non-organic status; (ii) % THC content; (iii) % CBD content; and (iv) % cannabinol content

  • Refined products, primarily in the form of bulk THC Oil and CBD Oil (the latter further broken into Pure, Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum mode)    

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