Global Emissions e-Bourse

Global Emissions e-Bourse

In cooperation with:

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c/o Dearborn Financial, Inc., 5N762 Burr Road (mail to P.O. Box 588), St. Charles, IL 60174 (USA)

Phone: (01) 630-443-4650  Fax: (01) 630-443-4654

Mission: Provide reliable affordable solutions enabling developing world markets to improve health and environmental conditions by eliminating substantive cross-border climate-changing pollution.  Achieved by preventing potent global warming force (“GWF”) particulate matter (“PM”) aka black carbon soot (“BCS”), as well as CO, HC, VOC, NOx and hazardous ash content – products of “super-emitter” diesel trucks, buses and power generators or residues of other carbon containing feedstock material (“CCFM”, e.g. in the case of coal, municipal solid waste and biomass combustion systems) -- from entering the atmosphere or otherwise endangering our environment on the ground.

Plan: Install cost effective diesel emission control after-treatment (“DECAT”) systems, plus recycling facilities using a range of CCFM combustion and thermochemical conversion (“TCC”) processes, all to be funded by a global pollution control platform employing Hybrid Incentive Trade Instruments formulated for transparent electronic exchange dealing over a secure web-based (Cloud) network designed with distributed ledger cryptography-based technology.  Patented and patent-pending solutions include:

Diesel Particulate Converter (“DPC”) Systems for trucks, buses and power generators:

  • Cooling embodiments reduce toxicity prior to exhaust entering composite wire mesh DPC filters and retention screens, where PM is agglomerated into larger heavier soot dendrites that can be easily separated from exhaust streams and captured for disposition via collection and recycling.

  • Sending captured agglomerated diesel soot (“CADS”) via air-jet pulse from the DPC to custom collection tanks periodically emptied to serve as feedstock into proprietary CADS Recycling Systems, the benefits of which are described more fully below.  

  • Note: for video illustrations of the forgoing, see:

Hybrid DECAT Apparatus for diesel powered trucks, buses and power generators:

  • Employs efficient sulfur-resistant base metal elements (e.g., a wire mesh thermal stabilizer and iron-containing zeolite catalyst augmented with cerium-manganese oxide), instead of overlaying expensive OECD-mandated platinum catalysts so easily poisoned by sulfur contained in “dirty” fuels commonly burned by diesel engines populating developing world markets.  

  • Thermally stabilizes and then catalyzes the exhaust stream, resulting in Stage 1 PM reduction, along with substantial elimination of VOC, CO, HC and NOx (the latter resulting from selective catalytic reduction tied to the use of an aqueous urea-based reducing agent such as AdBlue).

  • Integrated with downstream DPC for Stage 2 PM reduction (NO2 oxidation), optimized as soot resides in DPC’s deep bed of wire mesh filters prior to the final stage of PM reduction, whereby CADS is collected for recycling.

CADS and Other CCFM Recycling Systems:

  • CADS collected from DPCs serve as feedstock loaded into controlled TCC process reactors featuring pyrolysis and gasification; this represents Stage 3 (culmination) of PM reduction.

  • Controlled TCC process reactors can also be employed to recycle toxic ash (and more) residues of other CCFM, such as in the case of coal, municipal solid waste and biomass combustion systems that have been taking hold world wide via various waste-to-energy initiatives. 

  • Controlled TCC process reactors employ time-phased heat and pressure until CADS (and other CCFM) decompose into valuable solid, liquid fuel and gas by-products described more below.

  • There is a great deal of synergy developing between the recycling systems noted herein and the various waste-to-energy systems employing TCC processes around the world, which should minimize the incremental costs associated with implementing our solutions in the field.

Novel Funding Mechanism: Exploit the prospects of Global Emissions e-Bourse* – one of our proprietary web-based (Cloud) electronic trading platforms focused on the needs of developing world markets; see -- featuring “CADS Hybrids”, along with other Hybrid Incentive Trade Instruments formulated to similarly deal with residues of CCFM attendant to coal, municipal solid waste and biomass combustion systems.

  • CADS Hybrids (certificates, futures, options, forwards, swaps, spreads) are designed to help fund DECAT system retrofits onto millions of long-life diesel engine super-emitters plaguing nations throughout the world, so that global remediation benefits can take hold most aggressively.

    • Integral to global pollution control system, designed to employ CADS Hybrids alongside grants and/or loans from sovereign bodies, global regulatory bodies, NGOs and other entities (philanthropic or otherwise) willing to deal in concert with the aforementioned. 

    • Easily linked with sovereign and global regulatory environmental policies that embrace emission reduction credit and/or capped allowance trade (“cap-and-trade”) programs.

  • CADS Hybrids ascribe intrinsic values attributable to the co-benefits of our DECAT remediation: (i) reducing socio-economic costs associated with PM, VOC, HC, CO and NOx in terms of their health, environmental and climate change * damage; and (ii) CADS recycling by-products.

  • Health benefits: alleviate PM toxicity via exhaust cooling embodiments, thermal stabilization and catalyst reactions in the Hybrid DECAT Apparatus and, ultimately, CADS recycling.

  • Environmental and climate change co-benefits: prevent BCS from (i) damaging humans, animals, plants, bodies of water, etc. as result of its toxic chemical make-up and (ii) generating potent GWF in the atmosphere or upon falling onto snow and ice (albedo effect) *.

  • Recycling values derived from TCC processes designed to decompose CADS and other CCFM into commercial by-products, such as the following:

    • Solids, including carbon black (CB) or CB feedstock, sulfur and sulfuric acid.

    • Particles that serve as precursors for synthesis of revolutionary carbon nano-materials.

    • Oils and vapors, which are cooled and condensed into liquid fuels that can be burned directly in boilers and internal combustion engines or refined for higher quality uses (e.g., motor oils, chemicals and adhesives).

    • Gases, which can be burned in boilers for heat or in internal combustion engines for electricity generation or combined heat and power (including recirculatable heat and power that is integral to our TCC processes).

    • Non-carbon ash that can be used as construction aggregate; the most hazardous ash content (e.g., heavy metals) may also require treatment at a vitrification facility.

Patents Issued and Pending (all assigned to Dearborn Financial, Inc. or its affiliate)

Refaat A. Kammel U.S. Patent #7,976,801 issued 7/12/2011: System and Method for the Processing and Incineration of Diesel Exhaust Particulate Matter [ ]

Refaat A. Kammel U.S. Patent #7,266,943 issued 9/11/2007: Exhaust After-Treatment System for the Reduction of Pollutants from Diesel Engines and Related Method [ ]

Michael B. Rohlfs U.S. Patent #8,722,002 issued 5/13/2014: System for Recycling Agglomerated Soot and Related Method [ ]

Michael B. Rohlfs Pending U.S. Patent Application #20140053536 published 2/27/2014: Diesel Emission Control After-Treatment Systems and Related Method [ ]

Michael B. Rohlfs U.S. Patent #9,741,042 issued 8/22/2017: Global Pollution Control System Employing Hybrid Incentive Trade Instruments & Related Method Estimating Market Values [

* BCS is one of the world’s leading health hazards and a major GWF.  Top aerosol scientists and climate experts cite BCS elimination as the most expedient means capable of reversing climate change trajectory in the next couple of decades, a vital necessity to avoid catastrophic tipping points.  [Source: Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone, a Summary for Decision Makers jointly authored by the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Meteorological Organization and the Stockholm Environment Institute; see].  Global Emissions e-Bourse is a novel platform whereby CADS Hybrids holders would receive carbon credit rights tied to an underlying mass of CADS expressed in terms of its GWF-equivalence to one tonne of CO2, rights structured for trading via mutual listing agreements entered with other emissions/climate exchanges focused on greenhouse gas reduction.  Ideal for developing world markets that will likely need to rely on fossil fuels to power their growth during the next decade or so.